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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

How to Optimize Your Web Site 15%, 27%, 134% ?and Start Making Real Money

Does your web site make you money?

How long has your web site been running?

One year? Two years? Maybe even three?

Over those three years your web site could have been a turbo-charged money machine, cranking out profits for you and your family night and day, week after week, month after month.

But has it? Or has it just sat there, looking pretty. Maybe lots of graphics and Flash animations. Maybe lots of visitors ?

Maybe it just costs you money, because you have to pay for web hosting?

If so, a lot of other web site owners are in the same boat.

But did you know, if you change just one part of your web site, you can make your web site profitable?

Change your headline, for example, and you can increase your response by 500%.

Write 10 different headlines and one may be a winner.

But how do you find the winner?

The answer is, you have to test as many different headlines as you can, until you find the winner.

How do you test? Well come to that in a moment.

Other factors that make your web site a winner or a loser are, for example, your offer (do people want your product?), your opening para (paragraph), bullet points, testimonials, close, PS and bonuses.

But consider this.

Say you write 10 headlines, 10 offers, 10 opening paras, 10 testimonials, 10 closes and 10 bonuses.

You now have a MILLION different combinations (10 to the 6th power = 1,000,000) to test, to discover the perfect blend of web site variables!

Headline B works well with opening para A, but not with bonus B. Headline A works well with bonus B, but not with opening para A and so on ?up to 10 to the 6th power!

How do you find the best mix out of a million?

Sounds impossible? Right?

In the old days, before the Internet, if you were a direct marketer, all you could do was a split-run test?(also known as an A B split test? ?test only two parts of your sales letter at a time.

Youd send out, say 3,000 letters with headline A to 3,000 names on a list. And then another 3,000 letters with headline B to 3,000 different names on a list.

Youd also somehow code each letter (perhaps include a coupon for the reader to fill out to get a discount or free sample), so youd know which letter brought the highest response.

Then youd wait. And wait.

Eventually, after a few weeks youd have your responses, and youd have a good idea which headline worked best.

Youd then send the best-performing letter to the rest of the names on your list.

Or youd test the best-performing letter against one with another headline. Again send the letter with headline A (if that was the stronger letter from the first test) to, say, 3,000 names on your list, and the letter with headline C to another 3,000 list names.

Again, youd wait. And wait ?

This was a real pain, but it was the only way to find the winning letter. It took a LOT of time and often a LOT of money.

Enter the Internet. And very powerful web site testing software.

With this multivariate?(or multivariable,?Taguchi multivariate? software you can now test multiple variables (headline, bonuses, PS and so on) of a web page sales letter at the same time.

You can write, say, 16 headlines, 16 opening paras, 16 sets of bonuses, 16 closes and so on and test them all at the same time.

The software will tell you the best blend of elements that make up the most powerful sales letter. You wont have to spend months, or even years, doing very boring A/B split testing.

And a dynamite sales letter will turn your web site into a 24/7 money generator.

To find out more about how this amazing new software can transform an underperforming web site that loses you money into a constant money machine, go to http://www.KaizenTrack.com/bletter.php.

Theres a special offer right now, but its limited. So youll have to hurry.

© 2006 Eldo Barkhuizen BA, HDE

Eldo Barkhuizen, http://www.1stcallcopywriting.com, is a direct response and web copywriter based in the UK. Using tested, powerful strategies he will help you transform your website into a 24/7 money magnet.make money online

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